Afro kinky hair extensions are a great choice for people with Afro hair those who love the texture and want to try a different look from the ordinary straight or wavy hair extensions.
The great thing about the texture of these hair extensions is that you can quite happily attach (or plant as some call it) the braid and then leave the rest free flowing.
This works really well if your own growth hair is no longer than an inch (2.5cm).
Kinky Afro hair extensions work well for those who want to twist the hair extensions. The slightly non-smooth texture means it holds the twists in place without the need to use heat to seal or boiling water and you can also use Afro kinky extensions for crochet braids.
Afro kinky curly hair extensions are also available as clip-in extensions and micro ring hair extensions.
Due to the texture of the hair, Afro kinky hair extensions are extremely versatile. They can actually be worn by anyone; it doesn’t matter if your own growth hair is European as the texture of the kinky hair extension will grip your hair and hold it in place.
The short answer is if you've chosen a very curly Afro textures, there's no real point using them for long braids and cornrows (canerows). These kinky Afro hair extensions are best used as puffs, or twists (as the texture of the hair is not smooth, it causes the twists to hold together and not unravel).
If you really want long braids then by an ordinary Kanekalon Jumbo braids or an equivalent as the smooth texture of the hair is suited to cornrows
and long braids.
They certainly can and work great even if using the net weaving technique to wear Afro kinky extensions. Afro kinky hair weave comes in two forms (a combed out version and an uncombed version (straight out of the drying oven - with curling rods removed).
The four related Afro textures are explained here and if you use synthetic hair, the texture is so natural looking that when you wear it, people are convinced it's natural growth hair and there's an in-depth guide for each texture on the weave texture page.
If you prefer human hair then why not check out our guide about caring for Afro hair weave to find out how to keep the curls defined and prolong the life of the hair.
They can and they should. Remember that your natural growth hair still requires washing as do the hair extensions. Ideally you should wash Afro hair weave extensions with the same frequency that you wash your Afro kinky braids, at least twice a month.
If you've chosen Afro kinky micro ring hair extensions then there's a method for washing micro rings hair extensions that's easy to follow.
If you have braided or twisted hair extensions then wash them according to the steps found here.
If you have clip-in hair extensions, weave hair extensions or micro ring hair extensions then follow the top tips below for combing styling and moisturising your Afro kinky textured hair extensions to keep them in tip-top condition:
Use a wide tooth comb (unless you're going for the Diana Ross Afro puff look, in which case, an Afro comb is the best choice)
Avoid heat styling
Keep the hair moisturised daily with oil free sprays or moisturisers with plant based oils (avoid anything with mineral oil in it).
Condition the hair (whether deep conditioning or leave in conditioners)
This age old debate is down to personal choice! Human hair is more expensive but can be straightened if you suddenly fancy looking all sleek. Wetting the hair takes it back to the kinky state so the choice is yours!
Crochet it, braid it, twist it,
weave it and enjoy it!
There's more information in the Hair Extensions Q&A section, or if you'd like to keep up with our next Afro hair extension guide or anything else to do with lace wigs, hair extensions or hairpieces, then why not join our blog, it's easy to do and doesn't require an email address.
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